UNITEC Institute of Technology
Private Bag 92025,
New Zealand
Tel: + 64 9 815 4302
Fax: + 64 9 815 4301
Email: international@unitec.ac.nz
Website: www.unitec.ac.nz
Manukau Institute of Technology
International Centre,
Private Bag 94006,
Manukau, Auckland,
New Zealand
Tel: + 64 9 2734 6608
Fax: + 64 9 273 0741
Email: treade@manukau.ac.nz
Website: www.manukau.ac.nz
Auckland Institute of Studies
28a Linwood Avenue,
Western Springs,
Auckland 1015,
New Zealand
Tel: + 64 9 815 1717
Fax: + 64 9 815 1802
Email: enquiry@ais.ac.nz
Website: www.ais.ac.nz
Wellington Institute of Technology
Private Bag 39803,
Te Puni Mail Centre,
Buick Street, Petone,
New Zealand
Tel: + 64 4 920 2400
Fax: + 64 4 920 2401
Website: www.weltec.ac.nz
Design and Arts College of Newzealand
116, Worcester Street,
New Zealand
Tel: + 64 3 365 1578
Fax: + 64 3 379 2310
Email: enquiries@designandarts.co.nz
Website: www.designandarts.co.nz
Pacific International Hotel Management School
4, Henwood Road
Bell block,
New Plymouth,
New Zealand.
Tel: +64 6755 0025
Fax: +64 6755 2919
Email: clare.dombroski@pihmo.ac.nz
Website: www.pihms.ac.nz
New Zealand School of Travel and Tourism
Auckland Campus
P.O. Box 7561
Auckland 1141
New Zealand
Tel: +64 9 375 0050
Fax: +64 9 375 0035
Email: info@nzstt.com
Website: www.nzstt.com
WINTEC (Waikato Institute of Technology)
WINTEC (Waikato Institute of Technology)
Wintec Student Enrolment and Information Centre
Hamilton 3240
New Zealand
Tel: + 64 7 838 6399
Fax: +64 7 858 7513
Email: robyn.mccollum@wintec.ac.nz
Website: www.wintec.ac.nz
WITT (Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki)
20 Bell Street
New Plymouth
New Zealand
Tel: +64 6 757 3100
Fax: +64 6 757 3235
Email: info@witt.ac.nz
Website: www.witt.ac.nz
Christ Church Polytechnic Institute of Technology
Christ Church 8140
New Zealand
Tel: + 64 3 940 8732
Fax: + 64 3 366 6544
Email: info@cpit.ac.nz
Website: www.cpit.ac.nz
Bay of Plenty
Private Bag 12001
Tauranga 3143h
New Zealand
Tel: +64 (0) 7 544 0920
Fax: +64 (0) 7 544 2386
Email: info@boppoly.ac.nz
Website: www.boppoly.ac.nz
Eastern Institute of Technology
501 Gloucester Street
Taradale, Napier 4142
New Zealand
Tel: +64 6 974 8000
Fax: +64 6 974 8910
Email: info@eit.ac.nz
Website: www.eit.ac.nz
North Tec
57 Raumanga Valley Road
Whangarei, 0110
Northland, New Zealand
Tel: +64 9 470 3555
Fax: +64 9 470 3556
Email: registry@northtec.ac.nz
Website: www.northland.ac.nz
Otago Polytechnic
Information Centre
The Geoff Mason Administration Centre (F Block)
Forth Street
Private Bag 1910
Dunedin 9054
Tel: +64 3 477 3014
Fax: +64 3 471 6872
Email: international op.ac.nz
Website: www.otagopolytechnic.ac.nz
Southern Institute of Technology
Freepost SIT2LRN
Private Bag 90114
133 Tay Street
Invercargill, 9840
Tel: +64 3 211 2699
Fax: +64 3 214 4977
Email: info@sit.ac.nz
Website: www.sit.ac.nz
UCOL ( Universal College of Learning )
Private Bag 11022
Palmerston North 4442
New Zealand
Phone : 0800 46 8265
Fax: 06 952 7023
Email: enquiry@ucol.ac.nz
Website: www.ucol.ac.nz